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Falls Prevention Community Programs

Falls are the leading cause of injury in adults 65+ years old. However, falls can happen at any age. 

The Maryland Trauma Quality Improvement Committee Injury Prevention Group has put together a list of community programs here in Maryland that offer falls prevention education. 

Types of education: 

  • Exercise-based 
  • Didactic/Lecture-based 
  • Service-based, direct intervention

List of programs offered to all Maryland Residents.

Automated daily telephone services to check on residents 65+, Calls will take place between 8am and 4pm pre-selected by the participants. If the participant does NOT answer their first call, two more calls will be made. If those calls go unanswered, an alternative person pre-selected by the participant will be called (ex: child, neighbor, etc.) The alternate person will then be asked to go check on the participant. Failure to the participant and alternate to answer, a call will be placed to non-emergency service line.

Hosted by Maryland Department of Aging

Class Type: Service-based, direct intervention

Session Length/Duration: varies depending on need.

Cost: Free

Website: Senior Call Check

Educational class geared towards older adults (and/or caregivers and families of older adults) covering topics such as home safety, home modifications, medication management, exercises, and tips for taking to your doctor.

Hosted by R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

Class Type: Didactic/Lecture-based

Session Length: 1-2 hours

Cost: Free

Website: ThinkFirst

Anne Arundel County

List of programs offered to Anne Arundel County Residents.

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Baltimore City

List of programs offered to Baltimore City Residents.

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Baltimore County

List of programs offered to Baltimore County Residents.

Bingo-like evidence based program that aims to help older adults maintain mobility, independence, learn information on falls reduction, and improved nutrition.

Hosted by Baltimore County Department of Aging

Class Type: Exercise-based, Didactic/Lecture-based

Duration: 10-week program that meets 2x/week

Session Length: 1 hour each session

Cost: included in $80 annual fee

Website: Bingocize

Physical activities that can be performed while seated in a chair or at a desk, aimed to improve strength and function.

Hosted by Baltimore County Department of Aging

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour 

Cost: included in $80 annual fee

Website: Chair Exercise Classes

Evidence based exercise group and falls prevention program aimed at increasing fitness and learning exercise tools for strength, training, balance, and flexibility. 

Hosted by Baltimore County Department of Aging

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in $80 annual fee

Website: Enhance Fitness

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

Class that aims to improve coordination and well-being with exercise. 

Hosted by Baltimore County Department of Aging

Cost: included in $80 annual fee

Website: Move with Balance

Rock Steady Boxing is an exercise program designed to improve the mobility, balance, and strength of people fighting Parkinson’s. Placement in class requires an assessment by the instructor.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Duration: 1-month program 

Session: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Rock Steady Boxing

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Low impact exercise with slow movements aimed to improve balance and flexbility. Aims to address muscle weakness, poor balance, poor vision, and lack of confidence by utilizing tai chi movements. Participants can elect to either purchase DVD’s and follow the program on their own or register for 1 hour long group classes led by a certified trainer. Participants led through a warm up, directed movement, and then cooldown.

Hosted by Baltimore County Department of Aging

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session: varies

Cost: included in $80 annual fee

Website: Tai Chi

Carroll County

List of programs offered to Carroll County Residents.

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Frederick County

List of programs offered to Frederick County Residents.

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Harford County

List of programs offered to Harford County Residents.

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Howard County

List of programs offered to Howard County Residents.

Low-impact physical activity program proven to reduce pain and decrease stiffness. Includes gentle range-of-motion exercises that are suitable for every fitness level and ability. Led by a trained program leader

Hosted by Howard County Office on Aging and Independence

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Website: Arthritis Foundation Low Impact Series

Join others with similar goals, and learn proper techniques to improve your balance under the guidance of instructors trained in the evidence-based Better Balance protocol. A pre-screening is required before enrolling.

Hosted by Howard County Office on Aging and Independence

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Website: Better Balance

The purpose of the program is to provide resources and support for healthy aging in the community. Services include: Home safety consultations. Home modifications and durable medical equipment. Cognitive screenings. Education and training sessions. Student internships for occupational therapy students.

Hosted by Howard County Office on Aging and Independence

Class Type: Service-based, direct intervention

Session Length: varies depending on need

Cost: services are subject to the availability of funds. Priority is given to lower income status. 

Website: Community Living Program

A low-impact class focusing on joint stability, range of motion, posture, and balance. Perform exercises and movements to improve mobility and the functional fitness needed to complete everyday tasks.

Hosted by YMCA of Central Maryland

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: included in gym membership

Website: Y of Maryland 

Multiple resources and links for Howard County residents seeking information/education on falls prevention. The Local Health Improvement Coalition is a community partnership of more than 40 organizations that is managed by Healthy Howard and funded by the Howard County Health Department.

Hosted by Howard County Health Department


Rock Steady Boxing is an exercise program designed to improve the mobility, balance, and strength of people fighting Parkinson’s. Placement in class requires an assessment by the instructor.

Hosted by Howard County Office on Aging and Independence

Class Type: Exercise-based

Duration: 1 month

Session Length: 1 hour

Cost: ~$100

Website: Rock Steady Boxing

SLIP is an evidence-based program designed to address the needs of older adults, who are disproportionately at risk for poor outcomes following a fall injury.

The overall goal is to:

  1. Address older adult falls
  2. Recognize how good nutrition can help decrease chances of breaking a bone
  3. Increase awareness about knowing your medications and their side effects
  4. Teach you how to fall-proof your home

Hosted by Johns Hopkins Hospital

Session Length: 40-minutes

Cost: Free

Website: SLIP Program at JHH

Montgomery County

List of programs offered to Montgomery County Residents.

Fitness programs designed for adults 55+ to help slow aging, prevent injury, focus on stability and balance.

Hosted by Montgomery County Department of Recreation & Holy Cross Health

Cost: Free

Website: Senior Fit

Queen Anne's County

List of programs offered to Queen Anne's County Residents.

Evidence based exercise group and falls prevention program aimed at increasing fitness and learning exercise tools for strength, training, balance, and flexibility. Group fitness used to motivate older adults to becomes more active. Exercises have been packaged into a formal regimen focusing on four key areas important to the health and fitness of mature participants: low impact cardiovascular; dynamic/static balance work, strength training and stretching. Instructors provide own music.

Hosted by Queen Anne’s County Government – Area Agency on Aging Senior Centers

Class Type: Exercise-based

Session Length: 1 hour

Website: Enhance Fitness

Wicomico County

List of programs offered to Wicomico County Residents.

Sessions are conducted in small group format with 2 facilitators. Comprised of seven modules surrounding the theme of fall safety and injury prevention. Topics include: falls and risk, strength and balance exercises, home hazards, safe footwear and safe clothing, vision as it relates to falls, coping after a fall, and understanding medication risks. designed for people who are living at home and have experienced a fall or at risk for falling; Focuses on exercises, home hazards, community safety, footwear, medication management, vision, and future plans.

Hosted by MAC Inc. 

Class Type: Exercise-based; Didactic/Lecture-based 

Duration: 7 weeks

Session Length: 1 hour each session

Website: Stepping On


List of programs offered to Delaware Residents.

Helps reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels in older adults. 

Hosted by Delaware Coalition for Injury Prevention

Class Type: Exercise-based; Didactic/Lecture-based 

Duration: 7 sessions

Session Length: 2 hours each session

Website: Matter of Balance